
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Almost time for thank you notes!

Well here we are 4 days till Christmas and I am still on projects that need to mailed, etc.. I think it is safe to assume that none of my gifts will make it for Christmas.. But this year I am giving myself some grace.. I would rather do a good job and send it out late then do a crappy job and send it on time.. So to add salt to the wound all the gifts came from all my friends and relatives on time.. Yikes..

But I am very grateful for all we have been given and will be sending out a note of thanks after this holiday season.  Here are a couple of thank you notes that I am posting. One is a set made from sponging the Solace stencil by TCW in various colors. After I sponged using the stencil I would use the same color ink to sponge around the edges of the card.. I love the effect...

 Stenciled Thank You notes..

Here is a closeup of one of the cards. 

That is it for me! Time to go and work on Christmas, or should I say New Years, presents.. Thank you for reading and see you soon and have a wonderful holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. WOOOWW this is FUNTASTIC Shawna
    I should try your technique on this post
    ADORABLE SET I loveee this one..
    will put in my brain your idea..
    hugs, Monika
